jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Segunda reunión del ferroclub escala N de M, módulos T-Trak

Ya tenía tiempo de no postear nada en este Blog, y aprovecho ahora que este pasado 6 de Febrero de 2012 se realizó en la ciudad de Pachuca, con el auspicio del buen compañero Álvaro Bardales, la segunda reunión del Ferroclub escala N de M.

Sin más, dejo un video que refleja lo bien que nos la pasamos:

Y ya espero con ansias la siguiente reunión!!!!! Ya que después de esta última, nuestro amable patrocinador nos llevó a su casa a conocer no su maqueta...sino SUS MAQUETAS!, el sueño de todo ferroloco hecho realidad...

2 comentarios:

  1. Nice video! It looks like the gathering was a lot of fun! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Yes, we had a lot of fun, and we officially started our T-Trak Club. After the gathering we went to our sponsor's home to se his 4 or 5 layouts, I was amazed and ended very dizzy after seeing a lot of trains, landscape ideas, among other things.

    Also I learned about a wood building collection that was very common in 2010 here in Mexico; there were commemorative buildings for the bicentennial of our country, some of them very close to N scale, among them there were palaces, churches, pyramids...just yesterday I found a library that still sells'em and bought one colonial palace and a church, I will post my progress about'em. Thanx for your comment!


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